We normally receive .wmv and .wma files. For court proceedings, we normally receive .trm files. Recently we tried .dcr files which can be played using the Liberty Court Player.
Take it from me. Don't even try to transcribe using the Liberty Court Player. Even if you configure your foot pedal for playback, it still won't work. You have to keep switching windows and it bogs you down.
After spending 1 hour using the Liberty Court Player with very little progress, I threw in the towel. Luckily, a techie came to my rescue who suggested that I type in the search words ".dcr to mp3 converter."
I couldn't find any. So she suggested that I type ".dcr to .wmv or .wav converter" and I found out that you can export a .dcr file and convert it to a windows media file using the Liberty Court Player itself.
Here's the link to the page which shows you how to do it:
May you be spared from frustration. Or if you've been frustrated - may you be liberated and be restored to your peace.
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